Sunday, December 1, 2019

What Experts Say 1

Social media are good servants, but bad lords. Social media helps us to know what is happening in the lives of other people. We can follow the online lives of anyone we want, either friend, family, people we do not know or celebrities. Following the accounts on social media where the view on life can be embellished and styled plus totally different from reality. These styled pictures or videos may lead to depression and have a negative impact on one’s life. Some of you may ask “How?”. The study involving 3,800 random participants reported that they felt depressing symptoms such as, low mood, worthlessness, hopelessness, shame, and envy. The reason why people feel sad after spending time online on social media checking posts is that we have distort opinions on reality and people’s life. We see only the good things people post and share but the bad ones are not posted, so others life seems perfect comparing to ours. This may evoke the feeling that we are not good enough and we just waste time comparing our lives online instead of doing something productive.

Waldemar. (2018, July 8). Does Social Media Cause Depression? Retrieved from

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