Sunday, December 1, 2019

Current Events 2

Problem with today’s world is that people are more focused on the outside beauty rather than inside beauty. Our view on beauty changed over time and it underwent lots of changes. We try to innovate and create perfection in almost everything in this modern world, it does not matter if it comes to food, technology, machines or human being. The human race is brainwashed by photoshopped pictures on social media. Celebrities and media sometimes overedit pictures to unrealistic measures. People follow and want to create perfection at all costs, it does not matter how much we have to change someone’s appearance to get a picture to please the human eye. It is an “apron” to cover and adjust shortcomings and truth from society.

All the media want to promote perfection in a target of profit and growth of popularity of the media. There are many cases in which the pictures were unnaturally photoshopped and posted. Sometimes society finds out about those edits and scandal is born. Over the years many photoshop scandals happened. Some celebrities are against photoshopping and they are trying to promote the natural beauty and not fakery.
Out of all scandals I chose one which happened in 2015. It is not the most recent case but this case is significant for me because when I was 15 years old this post helped me perceive reality more clearly. This unpleasantness happened to model-actress Zendaya Coleman. Zendaya is one of the celebrities who stands up against retouches. When the magazine Modeliste edited and printed the modified picture instead of the original one Zendaya was “shocked”(CNN Staff, 2015) when she discovered that her hips and waist were slimmed. Therefore, the magazine wanted to achieve so-called perfection.

Because of all of the fakery we are exposed to, it is becoming harder to recognize retouched pictures from the original if it is done right. This issue may lead to low self-esteem and perceiving yourself as not beautiful enough if you do not meet standards of beauty set by society. People all around the world use photoshop and various editors to make the picture and the person flawless. But after looking at the “perfect” people in pictures online we tent to start to believe that the flawless look is normal and natural for the human race. Thus, frustrations begin which are followed by low self-esteem and after all depression. In the next post, we will dive into plastic surgery and depression.

CNN Staff. (2015, October 22). Zendaya 'shocked' to find herself Photoshopped.  Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Your blog had some elements in common with mine, so It was really interesting to see someone else's opinion on the matter in a different way. I totally agree with you that social media and advertsiements can have really bad affects on people's mental health and self esteem, which is something that we as a society need to work on combatting. Something else that you touched on that I didn't was the plastic surgery trend. I feel like so many celebrities get plastic surgery, and its causing many young people to do the same in order to look like them. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and people are absolutely free to do what they like, but there are risks involved with such surgeries and it may be important for people to be informed on how to safely have these procedures.
