Sunday, December 1, 2019

My View

Social media started to rule the world and our life without them started to be unimaginable. But I feel that the majority of younger people do not realize the dangers of negative effects social media may have on one’s mental health. Our brain constantly perceives the image of a perfect person without one flaw on social media. Therefore, our perception of the standards of beauty is influenced by photoshop and other fake styled images online. I think people should be more aware of the dangers social media can cause to a person and avoid them because the platform was created to help people not to harm them. 

This problem came across my mind when I was 15 years old and I struggled with my appearance. By the time I was older I realized that not everything I see online or in any media is true. I feel connected to this problem because I experienced feelings of being not good, pretty or slim enough. When I looked at pictures someone took of me, I was immediately comparing my look to the models I saw in magazines or on social media. When I saw the difference the confidence, I have had in myself dropped down. Ever since that moment I started to see that I am not the only one struggling with the way I look or feel. I slowly noticed on my closest friends and family how they feel the same way I do, but nobody wants to talk about it. 

For instance, I caught my sister looking at the mirror trying to find any deficiencies. After that, she took out her phone and compared her look to one of the supermodels. She felt awful and not beautiful enough because in her mind she had not met the standards of beauty. Social media play with our minds and place artificially styled pictures online. When people feel like they are not able to meet the goals of being beautiful photoshop comes in handy. People change the way they look just because they seek acceptance and reward from society. Some even decide to undergo plastic surgery and spend money just because they want to feel beautiful and good in their skin. Sometimes we are so blinded by the expectations of social reward that we can endanger our health by plastic surgeries and procedures. 

We should take these problems more seriously because it starts with low self-esteem problems, depressions and many more but it can have far more serious consequences like suicide. Social media negatively influence your perception of reality, your life and yourself. Since people show online only the best side of their lives, we feel that our lives are not that good enough. Everyone on social media wants to show that they live the most amazing life someone can imagine but it is all fictional and played. You do not know what the person hides from the virtual world because what is not on social is like it does not exist. People have to start to realize the fact that not everything they see, read or watch online is nothing but the truth. That’s why I chose this topic because I want to help people see the real world clearly and not through social media.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the reading of your blog. I feel especially woman in my surrounding are sometimes under the pressure of "beauty" and its standards. It is good to understand how photoshop can change the natural picture into Vogue magazine picture. I totally agree that this is the absolutely not a good path to self-confidence.

    For better orientation and better reading for your readers, you should focus on better integrality of your text. Primarily the same size and the same fonts and I would include highlights. I was little bit disappointed that some of the links are not clickable. Other than that I liked your work.
