Sunday, December 1, 2019

Current Events 1

As I mention in the previous post, nowadays people focus on outside beauty rather than inside one. It is much easier to see and appreciate outside beauty because you do not have to put an effort to get to know people’s inside beauty. 
Perception of beauty changed over the years, today’s ideal beauty image is influenced by the newest trends and humans are even willing to change their body appearance according to the trends. As technology improved and innovated it gave us access to more complicated plastic procedures and surgeries. Because we have the ability to form and change our bodies according to our perception of ideal beauty there is nothing in our way to achieve it anymore. People are willing to sacrifice almost everything including their health, just to achieve the standards of beauty which are mostly influenced by society. 
There exist many reasons to want to change one’s body image. Many records and stories of extreme cases show where one went overboard with plastic surgeries and got addicted to constantly change their appearance to the mirage of perfection. Some perceive the highest point of perfection as their role models and they want to resemble their look. My attention took the case of Jennifer Pamplona, she spent more than $550,000 on plastic surgeries to look like her role model Kim Kardashian. She underwent 30 plastic surgeries and procedures, furthermore, she lived through unpleasant experiences when her breast implant exploded. Jennifer said: "I wanted to look like her and as the world began to see how much I looked like her, I would have more and more surgeries. Every time I had a new surgery, I would feel happy, beautiful and recognized – that feeling of being famous" (Mailonline, 2018). 
This case shows us that it is easy to get addicted to positive public reactions. The feeling of recognition in this world is important and social media are our constant reminder of the goal of “perfect” image we do not complete. Therefore, we might feel down and depressed because we are not able to fulfill our dreamed goal. All those lies make us feel low about ourselves, it happens in social media all the time. As I mentioned before the photoshop and plastically edited bodies distort our perception of beauty. In the next 2 posts, we will get a closer look at low self-esteem and depression caused by social media.

Mailonline, J. R. F. (2018, December 28). Jennifer Pamplona, model, spent half a million dollars on 30 surgeries to look like Kim Kardashian. Retrieved from

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